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Transport your LIFE. Wherever you're going.

Relocating can be stressful. It's full of unknowns. Professional Coaches help build relationships and create smooth transitions.


Make an INFORMED decision you can feel COMFORTABLE about.
Identify potential challenges and explore new opportunities with an EXPERT COACH dedicated to ensuring your SUCCESS.

Receive the GUIDANCE and CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH that's important to YOU.
Support may include:

  • Spouse/Partner Careers (licensing/certification, salary range, labor market, potential employers, sample job leads, etc.)

  • Family Services (schools, sports, special needs, day/eldercare)

  • Meaningful Pursuits (volunteer and educational)


Transport your LIFE. Wherever you're going. And, do it in record time.

Get COMFORTABLE and CONNECTED in your new zip-code or culture. Your coach will enhance the experience and SAVE you precious TIME.

Your coach is an EXPERT. YOU will be, too.
Learn about:

  • Getting Around

  • How to 'Fit-In'

  • Do's and Don't's

  • Making Friends

  • Volunteering + Meaningful Pursuits

  • Healthcare, Daycare + Activities

Services are customized.  List of services are only a sampling.


Transport your CAREER. Wherever you're going.
Land the job, FASTER. Achieve your goals, SOONER.

Work with an expert Coach, familiar with the new city, host country, and job market to gain tools and CONFIDENCE to THRIVE in this exciting new chapter.

JUST what you need, RIGHT when you need it.

Here are some examples:

  • Resumes, CV's, Bio's

  • LinkedIn Profiles

  • Networking the 'Hidden Job Market'

  • Personalized Search Strategy

  • Interview Coaching

  • Salary + Contract Negotiation


Employees and families, make an INFORMED DECISION about relocating and gain PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT throughout the transition with employer sponsored Group Move Assistance.

Customized services provide information and resources to help families determine what makes sense for them and move forward with CONFIDENCE.

Services Include:

Family Orientation Events

  • Presentations

  • Educational Sessions

  • Benefits Fairs

Virtual Resources

  • Online Tools

  • Webinars

  • Educational Materials for Company Website

Pre-Decision Program

Workshops in Destination

Career and Integration Services as needed


Return home STRESS-FREE with professional career continuation support and guidance.

Learn how to assimilate your EXPAT EXPERIENCE to your life and work back home.

Employees, Partners or both get CUSTOMIZED, SAFE, 1:1 COACHING virtually by phone or video meeting.

Here are some examples of topics addressed:

  • Managing Re-entry Shock

  • Identifying Career and Personal Re-Entry Goals

  • Assessing Job Options

  • Developing appropriate Self-Marketing Tools and Strategies

  • Creating Action Plan for Landing Next Opportunity

  • Re-Integration Coaching into Job and Company Culture

  • Making new connections


Stay engaged in MEANINGFUL ways while on assignment.

Unable to work, but interested in ADDING to your SKILLS and EXPERIENCE while on assignment?

Your coach can help you EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES and DEVELOP SELF-MARKETING TOOLS and STRATEGIES to meet your objectives.

Options may include:

  • Continuing Education or Advanced Degree Programs

  • Volunteer Opportunities

  • Self-employment options available

  • Potential Internships

  • Networking Opportunities such as International Clubs, Meet-ups based on interests, Community Connections

  • Other Meaningful Pursuits


STAY CONNECTED, even when you’re APART.
Your coach understands the anxiety that comes with separation.
You won’t go it alone.

Manage relocation changes.
Your Coach will help you:

  • Strengthen Relationships

  • Solve problems together, while apart

  • Parent effectively, long-distance

  • Help kids manage separation

  • Find new things to do as a family

  • Create structure

  • Create a new support network

  • Find meaningful pursuits

  • Prepare for reunification

Coach spotlight



US | Midwest

"Confidence. Action. Growth."

Barb co-creates individual success strategies, working with job-seekers to overcome obstacles and move forward. Barb helps professionals "gain confidence, get into action, and grow professionally and personallyâ„¢".


US | Northeast

"Helping You Navigate the Career Journey"

Heidi helps professionals pursue their passions and reach their potential. She's worked extensively with global expats. Her deep respect for the unique needs and gifts of each individual inspires positive change and outcomes for professionals.


They're Trusted experts

Most hold advanced degrees. (Master's and Ph.D's)

Our coaches are award-winning, caring professionals with the knowledge and experience to guide individuals and families in career and relocation transitions.

employer focus




International assignees depend on dual-career income. (Runzheimer International)


Real concern.

Essential awareness.


"Having a great benefits package in International Mobility is not enough; awareness of product and support linked to the relocating partner is an essential function that the HR department needs to provide to staff."


Evegenia R. Outpost Manager, Energy Sector


Let's Talk Relocation

Imagine what life would be like, empowered to try anything?

Kaitlin describes her experience working with an REA Professional Coach, how it helped her see her strengths, and find a new path.

Let's talk.

Select an option

Thanks. We got it!  We'll be in touch soon.

Interested in Self-Pay Coaching Services?
Schedule a FREE Call. OR, CHAT Now!


Nekeidra is a triple-certified career professional (Resume Writer-ACRW, Hidden Job Market Coach-CHJMC, and Human Resources-PHR) with experience in recruiting for international corporations to startups. Her coaching style is holistic, collaborative and results-oriented. She educates her clients on current hiring trends and how to use that information to make informed decisions. Her clients say they feel better prepared and more confident in marketing their best selves.


Nekeidra resides in Philadelphia with her husband. She enjoys volunteering, traveling and learning new languages. She is currently learning the Uzbek language!

Flexible icon

We're Flexible.

We deliver the services you need.

We specialize in CHANGE.

We understand that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to relocation coaching services.

That's why we customize our services to meet your needs.  

Copyright 2024

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